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《百万碎片》/原名:《A Million Little Pieces》上映日期:2018-09-10(多伦多电影节) / 2019-08-30(英国) / 2019-12-06(美国), 暂无 Chicago, 1993. At his 23 years-old, James Fray is a lost soul involved in a spiral of auto-destruction due to his addiction at drugs and alcohol. After of all a night of party consuming and drinking, James falls accidentally by a balcony of the house where he was, breaking his nose. When he wakes up of the drunk and his high hours later, he finds himself in an airplane with destination Minnesota to be interned in the Hazelden Foundation, a legendary facility center for addicts. Reluctant to follow any process to overpass from his addictions, in the center meets another patients in treatment: Leonard, a foul-mouthed former member of the mob; John, a deranged sexual obsessive unable to contain his primary impulses; Roy, who has a bipolar disorder with religious delirium; and Miles, a clarinet player and former judge who turns in his roommate. Despite the rules of the center prevent all kind of contact between men and women, whose are treated in a different pavilion of the center, James ...《百万碎片》百度云网盘资源以及《百万碎片》高清mp4迅雷下载,《百万碎片》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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日期 资源名称 类型 大小 下载
2019-12-12 A.Million.Little.Pieces.2018.WEBRip.XviD.MP3-XVID Movies/XVID 1.02GB 下载
日期 资源名称 类型 语言 下载
2021-05-21 百万碎片【YYeTs字幕组 简繁英双语字幕】A.Million.Little.Pieces.2018 SRT,ASS/SSA 简体中文字幕 下载
2019-12-12 百万碎片【YYeTs字幕组 简繁英双语字幕】A.Million.Little.Pieces.2018 SRT,ASS/SSA 简体中文字幕 下载


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