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Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und die Dänen

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《Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und die Dänen》上映日期:2014-12-12, 暂无 Something is rotten on Katharina's idyllic North Sea island: In the popular beach bar \"Düne\", several guests suffer from fish poisoning. Even if operator Thies and his father Helge cannot explain the cause, they have no choice: they have to close their restaurant until further notice. Among the affected guests is the bestselling author Jonas Mikkelsen, who actually wanted to write his new novel on the island. Unfortunately, the severely short-sighted writer lost his glasses during the nausea attacks and is therefore unable to work. His publisher promptly threatens to sue for high damages against the \"Düne\" - for Thies and Helge that would mean financial ruin. There is no question that the lawyer Katharina will take on the case for the two of them, not realizing that she is caught between all stools. On the one hand she wants to defend her friends to the best of her ability, on the other hand the likeable Jonas with his clumsy short-sightedness awakens her infamous helper instinct. What's more: the better she gets to know the sensitive novelist, the more convinced she is that she has found a soul mate in him - and maybe even the love of her life. The results of the investigation into fish poisoning are less rosy. Katharina finds out that her own daughter Nele is involved: Nele's new boyfriend, the fisherman Finn, has got involved in illegal business with Danish mackerel fishermen. He is now being blackmailed by them into buying stocks that are not quite fresh. With wit, cunning and legal skills, Katharina has to find a way to put a stop to the crooks.《Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und die Dänen》百度云网盘资源以及《Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und die Dänen》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und die Dänen》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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    血腥100 / 第100大队浴血奋战 / 浴血之师:第100轰炸机大队

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    狗狗巡逻队 / 汪汪队立大功电影版(台)

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    捉鬼敢死队:魅来世界(港) / 魔鬼克星 未来世(台) / 捉鬼敢死队:来世 / 捉鬼敢死队:来生 / 新捉鬼敢死队 / 捉鬼敢死队3 / 锈蚀之城 / Ghostbusters 2020 / Rust City / 捉鬼敢死队:未来世

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