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《彩虹护卫队》/原名:《Parada》/又名:《彩虹保卫队(台) / 同志大游行 / The Parade》,上映日期:2011-10-31(塞尔维亚), 塞尔维亚的一对同志恋人不顾新纳粹光头党的暴力威胁,坚持要在首都贝尔格莱德举办有史以来的首次同志骄傲大游行。在警方拒绝提供保护的恶劣形势下,两人意外得到了四位黑道大叔援手。四位大叔过去在南斯拉夫内战中相互为敌,对同志也没什么好感,但在机缘巧合下却挺身而出,成为了扭转乾坤的游行护卫......   《彩虹护卫队》堪称同志版《这个杀手不太冷》。 导演塞登·德拉戈耶维奇是前南地区最著名的导演之一。2001年他亲眼见证塞尔维亚第一次同志游行被恐同血腥淹没的真实画面,从而萌生了拍摄此片的念头。本片融合黑色幽默和凌厉打斗,在2011年11月上映后荣登前南各国票房排行榜首,是整个巴尔干地区口碑奇好的佳作,同时获得2012年第62届柏林电影节全景单元的观众选择奖和泰迪熊胜利专栏奖。 A homophobic, middle-aged, Serbian gangster ends up sacrificing himself to protect Gay freedom in his country. RADMILO (35) and MIRKO (30) are young and successful gay couple, and they would be a happy couple anywhere else except in - Serbia. They try to live discreetly but still, every day they are abused by the homophobic majority. Plus, Mirko is a gay rights activist, and his dream is to organize the first successful PRIDE event in Belgrade. This is almost a "mission impossible"; in 2001, an attempt to hold PRIDE in Belgrade ended up in bloodshed. One decade later, the situation is not much better - nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations prepare another massacre in case of holding the gay parade, while the police refuse to provide protection for the participants. A strange couple arrives in Radmilo's and Mirko's life - LEMON (45) an ex criminal and war veteran, the owner of a small security company and his fiance - PEARL (30) a beauty parlor owner. Radmilo, a successful veterinarian, performs a life-saving operation Lemon's pit-bull terrier, the victim of a drive-by shooting that served as a warning to the dog's master. Mirko runs an agency that organizes sophisticated weddings and now he has the ultimate nightmare clients - Pearl and Lemon. The encounter between these two worlds ends in disaster - yet another humiliation for Radmilo and Mirko. Mirko had enough - not long ago he received Immigrant Visa from Canada and wants to leave the country forever. Radmilo is ready for a desperate measures to keep his partner and their relationship - He offers a deal to Lemon, asking that Lemon's agency provide protection for the Belgrade Pride. In return, Mirko will organize the wedding party for Pearl and Lemon. Lemon reluctantly accepts, but his staff refuses to protect homosexuals. Put in a tight spot, Lemon thinks of his "dear" enemies from the ex-Yu wars. LEMON and RADMILO embark on a recruiting trip all over ex-Yugoslavia. They manage to sign up for their mission: NIKO (45) a Croat war veteran, HALIL (40), a Bosnian Muslim, and AZEM (45), an Albanian from Kosovo. But the handful of "samurai" are yet to face their greatest challenge... THE PARADE, in a tragicomic way, tells the story about ongoing battle between two worlds in contemporary post-war Serbian society - the traditional, oppressive, homophobic majority and a liberal, modern and open-minded minority.《彩虹护卫队》百度云网盘资源以及《彩虹护卫队》高清mp4迅雷下载,《彩虹护卫队》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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日期 资源名称 类型 大小 下载
2019-05-11 Parada 2011 DVDRip x264 x264 399.95MB 下载
2019-05-11 Parada 2011 HD DVD 720p avi 未知 4.76GB 下载
日期 资源名称 类型 大小 下载
2019-05-12 Srdjan Dragojevic - Parada (2011) 未知 1.48 GB 下载
2019-05-12 Parada Film Srdjan Dragojevic 未知 1.89GB 下载
2019-05-12 Film Parada 2011 未知 309.72MB 下载
2019-05-12 Parada (2011) DVDRip - Rumpelstiltskin 未知 1016.57MB 下载
2019-05-12 Parada [2012] domaci film 未知 1.08 GB 下载
2019-05-12 Parada [2011] domaci film 未知 1.22 GB 下载
2019-05-11 Parada-2011 [SRB] 未知 317.2MB 下载
2019-05-11 PARADA CJELI FILM 未知 344.54MB 下载
2019-05-11 Parada (2011).avi-pravi film 未知 997.3MB 下载
2019-05-11 Parada 2011 SWESUB DVDRip XviD AC3 Graniten XVID 1.36GB 下载
2019-05-11 Parada 2011 SWESUB DVDrip xvid SC666 XVID 1.45GB 下载
2019-05-11 PARADA 2011 DVDrip Swesub XviD AC3 Mr KeFF XVID 1.49GB 下载
2019-05-10 The.Parade.2011.DVDRip.XviD.Balkan Movies/XVID 1.09 GB 下载


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    妮娅·瓦达拉斯,约翰·考伯特,路易·曼迪勒,埃莱娜·康博里斯,莱妮·卡赞,安德列·马丁,玛丽亚·瓦克拉西斯,吉娅·卡迪斯,乔伊·费通,伊莱亚斯 · 卡卡瓦斯,梅琳娜·科策卢,亚历克斯·吉奥古利斯,斯蒂芬妮·努尔,安西·安德烈奥普卢,埃克托拉斯·卡卢迪斯,德摩斯梯尼·菲利帕斯,斯泰夫拉·洛戈蒂斯

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    Chime / 铃异(港)

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    我的五步男朋友(港) / 爱上触不到的你(台) / 五英尺的距离 / 相隔五英尺

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    马克·沃尔伯格,刘思慕,迈克尔·兰德斯,Zamantha Díaz,Roger Wasserman,Luis del Valle,Angie Gisèle,Jose Guillermo Jimenez Perdomo

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