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《The Unknown》/原名:《》上映日期:1964, 暂无 Near Aix-les-Bains (South-East of France), two women, Kassia and Leonora, are driven by a fanatical blackmailer, named André, in a white Rolls Royce at full speed. Suddenly, they stop near a lake, in the middle of the woods, where the man decides to have a swim. He asks the two women for a drink. The women plan to assassinate him by introducing a deadly leaf from a Thanatos tree in the cocktail. The man dies by poisoning and drowning and the women stare at him without moving. They put the dead body in the trunk of the fancy car. Later, they've lost their way in the countryside and, finally, find a mansion where an old blind man, Colas, opens the door. Upstairs, a strange inventor, Tone Hobart, built a time machine which could resurrect the dead. Unfortunately, André is now alive and ready for a revenge.《The Unknown》百度云网盘资源以及《The Unknown》高清mp4迅雷下载,《The Unknown》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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