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《靓眼》/原名:《I maniaci》/又名:《Beautiful Eyes / The Maniacs / 疯子们》,上映日期:1964-03-28(意大利), 暂无 A series of comic sketches revolving around the "mania" in people's deepest personality. In "The Elaboration", a hearse driver has his favorite hearse made out to perfection for his "clients". In "Sport" a bossy office supervisor loses a sports bet to co-workers and is forced to pimp out his wife, while one colleague decides to take advantage of it. In "Overtaking" a man tries to outrun a set of lights on a highway late at night... not realizing that it's an airplane. In "The Hobby" two best friends, Barbara and Carla, team up to find where one's husband is going to every weekend and being secretive about it. In "Advice" a bickering couple out for a drive bicker about one's well being which leads to a traffic accident. In "The Protest", Pasquale and Mario are two men who cannot seem to pass up every attempt to protest against the government from 1943 to present day 1964. In "The Antique", a couple travels to a remote monastery to shop for antiques and seek which ones to buy or leave. In "The Swear Word" Ilario Boietti is a writer who seeks advice about work for his latest book by consulting with a brash has-been author, who advices Boietti to embrace his wild side. In "The Strip-Tease" a lonely Lothario ventures to strip clubs in search of his true carnal pleasures. In "The Interviews", Micozzi is a government spin doctor who spins his tails to avoid the questions of government corruption. In "Hitchhiking", the thoughts of a off-duty policeman and a Sicilian hitchhiker whom he picks up, are displayed in this collision of cultures tale. In "Bill of Exchange" two couples, the Brugrolis and the Bonfanls, seek to out-spend the other in a war of wealth. In the final hilarious tale, "The Weekend", two thieves, Franco and Ciccio, break into a mansion to rob it thinking that the owners are out of town, only to have the unfaithful wife with her soldier lover, and the unfaithful husband with his foreign mistress, arrive wanting to spend time alone, and all parties try to avoid direct contact with the other.《靓眼》百度云网盘资源以及《靓眼》高清mp4迅雷下载,《靓眼》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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日期 资源名称 类型 大小 下载
2019-05-12 The Maniacs (1964) I maniaci.Ita.DVDRip 未知 1.47GB 下载
2019-05-12 I Maniaci (1964), [XviD - Ita Mp3] TNT Village XVID 1.09 GB 下载


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    妮娅·瓦达拉斯,约翰·考伯特,路易·曼迪勒,埃莱娜·康博里斯,莱妮·卡赞,安德列·马丁,玛丽亚·瓦克拉西斯,吉娅·卡迪斯,乔伊·费通,伊莱亚斯 · 卡卡瓦斯,梅琳娜·科策卢,亚历克斯·吉奥古利斯,斯蒂芬妮·努尔,安西·安德烈奥普卢,埃克托拉斯·卡卢迪斯,德摩斯梯尼·菲利帕斯,斯泰夫拉·洛戈蒂斯

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    Chime / 铃异(港)

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    我的五步男朋友(港) / 爱上触不到的你(台) / 五英尺的距离 / 相隔五英尺

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    马克·沃尔伯格,刘思慕,迈克尔·兰德斯,Zamantha Díaz,Roger Wasserman,Luis del Valle,Angie Gisèle,Jose Guillermo Jimenez Perdomo

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