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《青春之恋》/原名:《Looking for Love》/又名:《青春之恋(港)》,上映日期:1964-08-05, 暂无 Libby has spent a whole month trying to get into show business with her singing, and has not made it. Therefore she decides to retire and get a job where she can meet the right man and get married. The right man turns out to be Paul Davis when she sees him at the supermarket. The only problem is that Paul ignores her as his ideal woman is TnT (tall and top heavy), which Libby is not. One day, Libby creates a clothes stand which she calls the 'Lady Valet'. This product interests Paul who wants to promote it. Paul gets Libby on the 'Tonight Show' to push the product and when she mentions that she was formerly a singer, Johnny asks her to sing. After that, the career in showbiz that she had not found grows, to the astonishment of Paul. She uses her new fame to get Paul's attention.《青春之恋》百度云网盘资源以及《青春之恋》高清mp4迅雷下载,《青春之恋》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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2019-05-12 Looking.for.Love.1964.720p.HDTV.x264-REGRET Movies/x264/720 2.24 GB 下载
2019-05-12 Looking.for.Love.1964.HDTV.x264-REGRET Movies/x264 644.25MB 下载


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