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《寻人大师》/又名:《The Hunting Genius》, 暂无 Lin Yuan Su meets Die Qi, Qiu Ling, Xia Gu Duo, and Zhou Qi after they all participate in a search for a missing dog. The five people are of different ages, come from different backgrounds, and have very different personalities, but they decide to form an agency that looks for missing people in their free time. At first, they don't see eye-to-eye, but after some time they form a strong friendship. Through their experiences of looking for missing people, they each also find themselves. As the unlikely group of 5 gets closer, Lin Yuan Su finds the courage to start looking for his father, who has been missing for 22 years, and enlists his fellow hunters in helping him.《寻人大师》百度云网盘资源以及《寻人大师》高清mp4迅雷下载,《寻人大师》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


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